tanzania Africa Travel

'7 Adults-Only Romantic Places To Stay in the U.S.”

Tanzania is rated as one of the fascinating wildlife destinations worldwide. It is an ultimate tour that provides unique and extensive nature viewing experiences.  25% of its land is set aside for game parks and reserves providing a wide-range tour adventure for visitors. Therefore, if you are a first-time traveler looking for a tour to Tanzania, you will surely get an opportunity to enjoy a fantastic wildlife show compared to other destinations.

However, you might get confused or have little or no clue of what to expect in the tour. The following tips will highlight some significant facts about a first-time traveler to Tanzania, and especially prepare you for an adventurous trip and an incredible life experience.


There is much more regarding safaris for the wildlife enthusiast in the country. Probably, you may have tried camping in the wilderness in other places, but while taking part in one of safari tours in Tanzania you can get various options, where you can chose from a reasonable budget, luxury, and camping adventure. Also, there are different types of safari, and several unique ways to see the vast, diverse, and breathtaking landscapes of Tanzania. You can go on the boat, car or have a relaxing natural walk.

Best Time for a Tour to Tanzania

Throughout the year, you can get access to all reserves and parks though there are also more convenient times for the best experience which depends mainly on weather conditions.

For instance, the annual rainy seasons in Tanzania start from March to May then resume again from November to December. During the rainy seasons, you can get the perfect opportunity for great deals on your tour and enjoy a peaceful experience without the crowds. People also avoid the rainy seasons since the roads are not passable.

Dry Season is from June to October which provides the best periods for high peak seasons because of the large concentration of animals and common game drive. The “Great Migration” also occur during this period so you can witness thousands of wildebeests and zebras migrating towards the north.

Wet seasons occur between Novembers to February which is excellent for game viewing. However, expect to see a low concentration of animals, unlike the high season.

Take the light cotton clothes with you – it should be perfect for Tanzanian tropical climate. Though it is good to have warmer clothes if you’re going to visit high altitude areas like Arusa, Ngorongoro crater or Mt. Kilimanjaro. If you’re visiting Zanzibar islands, try to avoid too revealing clothes if you’re outside the hotel area.

How to Get to Tanzania

You can get access to the country either by land or air transport. Tanzania has three international airports which include Kilimanjaro International Airport(JRO), Julius Nyerere, International Airport(Dar) and Abeid Amani Karume International Airport(Zanzibar). Also, you can choose a bus from neighboring countries such as Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi. The primary means of transport within Tanzania include local flights, Rwanda, rental cars, and buses.

Food and Drinks

Food in Tanzania is not as flashy compared to other favorite wildlife attraction places. However, the food is easy to prepare and flavorful because it does not require complicated recipes. The main diet includes maize, rice, bananas with vegetables, and meat products such as chicken, beef or goat. Their national dish comprises of Ugali which is a polenta-like meal cooked from maize flour. Ugali is quite tasteless but certainly worth a try especially if you need energy for draining activities.

Nyama Choma is also the other everyday food meaning grilled goat meat or beef roasted over open coal fires. It is full of flavor and available almost everywhere you travel that is from roadside stalls to high-class hotels. You will never forget the delicacy experience especially if you combine it with Ugali.

Also, as you enjoy your meals in Tanzania, always note that checking the hygiene standards is essential wherever you travel. You should be careful when you consume meat or dairy products by ensuring they are served hot and cooked appropriately. Remember to buy or use bottled drinking water since it is always safe to avoid diseases brought by contaminated water.

Health and Immunizations

The laws do not require you to have immunization to enter Tanzania if you are traveling directly from the US or Europe. However, recommended vaccinations include yellow fever, hepatitis A, typhoid, and diphtheria.


Tanzania has many high class and standard hotels and restaurants ranging from a small budget to luxurious ones. All game reserves and national parks provide the right hotels to match your interests and needs. Lodging in urban centers such as Arusha, Dar-es-salaam, Moshi, Mwanza, and Zanzibar is exceptional, all having 1 to 5 Star hotels.


Tanzanians are well-known for their friendly, easy-going attitude. In most cases, their hospitality will humble you even though most citizens don’t have large income. Be friendly and polite while visiting and you’ll get one of the best traveling experiences in your lifetime.


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