The Magic of Believing

believe - christmas 2016 - mandy allfrey

Secretly, I flirt with the thought of awakening to a sight of snowflakes falling angelically on December 25th. I hope to sneak out of bed, wrap my hands around a warm mug of coffee and reflect on the magic of the day.  Lost in a gaze at the glowing Christmas tree, I want to be flooded with memories old and new.  

The magic of this day brings us together, instills hope, provides peace, and indulges in simple pleasures.  

Christmas mornings bring a smile to my face. The belief in magic, whether providing or receiving, is present, yet not made of shiny paper and bows. It’s the joy as someone sleepily rubs the night’s dream from their eyes to take their first peek of Christmas morning. It’s the laughter in lazy pajama morning conversations, and it is the pure love shared in a simple grin- filled glance.

The peace and stillness of this day brings sensations of gratefulness and warmth to the soul. I remember sing-a-longs to Christmas carols as my aunt’s fingers happily stroked the keys of the piano on Christmas Eve. From ‘I’ll Be Home For Christmas’ to ‘All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth’, as children we knew singing was one step closer to ending the night watching for Santa and his reindeer in the sky as we drove across the Salt Lake Valley to get home.

I could name a million things I remember from Christmases past, and not one of those would include a gift from a box. The magic was sitting on Santa’s lap, sneaking another piece of Mom’s famous fudge, or decorating the tree with ice cream cone ornaments. Sipping homemade hot cocoa, and the smell of Tom the Turkey slow roasting in the oven. Buttering the homemade roll cutouts and placing them on the pan to rise, and jumping in the fresh snow on the perfect white Christmas mornings.

The build up of the spirit from Thanksgiving to Christmas is unlike any other time of year. Giving and the excitement of that one perfect smile of joy you bring to another makes the season bright. The acts of planning meals and time celebrating with loved ones provide happiness and spread of cheer to the holiday.

As we grow older, we reflect on the memories and feelings from childhood Christmas moments, sometimes yearning to go back in time. It can be easy to lose sight of the magic of believing as an adult. Each of us can choose to carry on traditions and instill the magic inside someone else or let the spirit disappear. This is a special time of year. Time together is more than any gift from the store, and the things we will take forever on this journey of life, are those filled with love, the tender moments from the heart.

Share a moment. Share a cup of coffee. Take a walk and deliver a Happy Christmas message to someone alone. Embrace the ones you love, and smile at a stranger. Remember the magic, and be the light to help spark that in someone else. Allow your inner child to playfully remember the spirit and reflect on the unconditional love this season represents.

This Christmas I wish you the magic of believing.

Merry Christmas to you and yours,

Miranda (Mandy)

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