Follow Your Heart

Follow Your Heart

The lightening bugs are blossoming like stars lighting up the dawn, as I sit on my front porch. The bullfrog’s groan from the pond next door adds song to the dark sky that the candles seem to be dancing with. 

It’s a perfect summer evening, full of romance and magic. The calm breeze and fresh smell of just fallen rain fills my senses as I close my eyes and feel the gentleness of Mother Nature. The only place I have closed my eyes like this in the past eight months has been on an airplane. Cloud surfing inspires me, but it’s moments like this that I have let pass by, forgetting to breath, if even for a moment.

There is a reason for not wanting to stop, to rest. I could not be in a place alone. I needed to be on the go, to forget, to forgive, and to let my broken heart mend. The character in my soul deepened. The connections made across the globe gave me new perspective, and the clouds have soothed me. Doing one of the things I love most in the world, traveling, was a way to love myself. To fill a piece of me that had been lost, tucked away for a while. It is easy to lose sight of taking care of yourself. In life, work, family, relationships, children, and friends can tug at us, asking for every moment of every minute. I have found, it is easy to deplete myself by giving all of me and never stopping for a moment to fill my cup. 

As the fireflies dance in the night sky, I imagine choreographing and performing the most perfect routine on the dance floor. A dance filled with every emotion, good- bad – ugly – indifferent. Ending with the comfort of a smile, a hand touching mine, and angel wings spreading to fly. As a bright light shines from within, moving the entire audience to tears, inspiring them to let go. To feel, to love, to not waste a moment, and to dance. There is beauty in the stillness I feel tonight, and beauty in the movement I feel in the clouds. And most importantly it all requires balance, and of course laughter. 

For me, I’m always ready to board the next plane and experience a new city, a new restaurant, or a new cafe, and I hope that part of me never dies. Tonight, the reservation on my outdoor table is for one at home, in pajamas on my southern front porch. Taking a pause to reflect, and to know I am exactly where I need to be. Tomorrow there are meetings, next week another flight, and a new inspired moment. Today there is stillness and letting go. 

I don’t know what tomorrow holds, however I know what I want, and what I will choose to allow in or out of my life. And for that I am stronger than ever before. I am moved by the sound a of Mother Nature and the flickering fireflies. The passion in my soul is ignited deeper and brighter than ever, and tonight the words I speak to everyone else hug my soul – “Follow Your Heart.”

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