For the Love Of the Game : NFL Playoffs

denver broncos playoffs

Allfrey take on the Mile Stadium Denver BroncosI was raised a Bronco fan. Yelling, kicking, and screaming at 3rd down turnovers were normal in my childhood. I understood 4th and 1 from a very young age. Raised the only girl with three protective and sports fanatic brothers, naturally made me a huge NFL fan.

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to fly to Denver with my parents, oldest brother and his wife to watch the Broncos take on the Colts at Sports Authority Field at Mile High. To say I was excited was an understatement. My family had been traveling to games from Salt Lake City for years, and this was the first time I had the opportunity to be with them. I have been living on the East Coast for some time, and had become a Carolina Panther fan, attending as many games as time allows.

I love football Sundays, watching the games and yelling at the TV as if the players or refs can hear me. Attending an NFL playoff game with my family meant so much to me. As we #UnitedinOrange and proudly displayed hats, coats, shirts, gloves, blankets and more representing our family team, we bonded over a sport we all loved.

Football brought us together. As we have all grown into our own lives, and I live thousands of miles away, we do not have the opportunity to spend quality time together. What we do have are memories, and of course, football. This game tops the list of awesome family memories. The excitement in my parents eyes, and the spirit deep within my oldest brother will be a memory I will always cherish. Game time brings on a new meaning with my family, who will forever be diehard Denver Broncos fans.

denver broncos mile high stadiumSuperbowl Sundays at home are filled with nachos or sandwiches and all kinds of goodies and laughter. This game started off with laughter, jokes, selfies making the jumbotron, and of course cold drinks. With lower bowl seats and a great view of the field, the sports fan in me unleashed. Cheering and high-fiving fellow fans, my voice is still hoarse from rooting for the family team.

The Broncos may have lost, however this cloud surfing trip was not about winning or losing. The quality time I was able to spend with the family I love – high-fiving, cheering, and toasting drinks meant more than anything. We may have different home teams, but at the end of the day we will always have our family team. Our salute to each other is a touchdown!

My brothers will forever cheer on the Broncos no matter who the quarterback is, and what wide receiver is on fire. Secretly their dream for me is to marry one of the players, so they can have access to season tickets and field level access. My dream is to take them all, parents, brothers, sister-in-laws, nieces, and nephews to a game with fifty yard line seats and field access. Getting them autographs they can cherish and lunch with John Elway. I would be the coolest sister, daughter, and aunt ever if I can make that happen! Until then we will all wear our orange, blue, and white proudly on game day and cheer on the family team!

Cheers to a great season Broncos. Thank you for bringing laughter and love to our households and for uniting friends and family across the globe. We salute your dedication to the fans and the commitment to the love of the game.


#demaryiusthomas #Denverbroncos #milehighstadium

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