staying fit summer 2018

'7 Adults-Only Romantic Places To Stay in the U.S.”

You’ve worked very hard to get back into last year’s clothes and to have that great beach body again. But, summer is nearly here, and that means that you get to relax and enjoy things like parties, cocktails and barbecues, which don’t seem to be in tune with your fitness regimen. Luckily, there are things you can do to get the best out of your summer and to have fun while staying fit. Here are some of them.

Adjust your barbecue experience

Maintaining a healthy diet doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to stay away from those fun and delicious barbecues. Besides, they’re not all about food, but rather a great way to spend time with your friends. So, use the fact that you’re there to see the food prepared and add some healthy choices to the mix yourself. For example, instead of burgers and sausages, you can grill chicken breast or vegetables. Red peppers, mushroom, zucchini and red onions taste wonderful when grilled, so you definitely don’t have to stay hungry at a barbecue. Also, if you want to avoid eating high-calorie and unhealthy side dishes, make some healthy ones and bring them with you. You’ll probably be surprised by the number of people who’ll opt for healthy barbecue options as well.

Take your fitness outside

staying fit summer

If you’re worried that you’ll lose track of your workout routine, don’t be. Although you normally practice at the gym, use the nice weather and take your exercises outside. Go for a jog, but do it early in the morning, before the sun is too high and too strong. Also, due to the heat, you should be careful with the choice of workout clothes. You now have great options, like light tank-tops and durable compression tights for women. They are great for running and other types of physical activities since they’re comfortable, allow for a better blood flow and keep your skin dry, despite all the sweating. Find activities you enjoy, so that you can actually have a great time while exercising day after day. For example, going to a swimming pool will cool you down, allow you to relax, but swimming can also be a great substitute for an hour at the gym. If you prefer hiking or cycling, those are also great summer activities. Plus, if you’re on vacation in a new town, try going everywhere on foot, or rent a bike and have fun combining physical activity with sightseeing.

Be creative with hydration

You know that you need to drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated and maintain your overall health. Water can also help you with detoxification; it can refresh you and is the best option to kill your thirst. And while you should definitely avoid sweetened fruit juices and sodas, you can indulge yourself in sparkling water and be playful with it. Add some citrus slices, mint or thyme, ginger, strawberries or blueberries to infuse your water with fresh and exciting flavors, cool it down to freezing cold if that’s what you prefer and sip it all through the day.

Happy hour with a twist

staying fit this summer

Instead of going out for sweet and high-calorie cocktails, organize a different kind of happy hour for you and your friends. Switch the cocktails with some cucumber or lemon-mint water and offer your friends a whole range of fun activities to choose from. These can include stand up paddle surfing or kayaking, hiking, roller-skating or simple activities like beach volleyball or throwing a Frisbee. You can even organize some pet-friendly activities, as long as you’re all moving constantly and you don’t eat junk food or drink alcohol.

Eat local and seasonal food

Yes, ice-cream is tasty and perfect for the summer heat, but try staying away from it this summer. There are some equally delicious, but far healthier desserts for you to make. Use the locally-grown fresh fruit and vegetables. Since they don’t have to travel across the world to get to you, you’ll know that they are freshly picked and that all the nutrients are still there for you. Also, opt for seasonal fruit, like strawberries, cherries, peaches or melons, add some citruses and tropical fruit like pineapple or mangos and make delicious smoothies. Use Greek yogurt or almond milk to make them extra smooth and sweeten them by adding dates or a bit of honey into your blender. Furthermore, making a big bowl of fresh salad is a great dinner option. Eat your tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers for a valuable vitamin infusion and good overall health.

Staying fit is actually much easier during summertime than in the colder months. So, use these tips, have a wonderful summer and stay happy, healthy and in great shape.



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